Thursday, 16 August 2012

Casual Outfit, Casual Blogging

Top- Asos
Leggings- Primark
Jacket- Topshop
Rings (l-r)- H&M, handmade, Topshop

Ive just called this causal blogging because I've taken the cheats way out and used an instagram photo! I will start doing real photography with the next outfit post, it was just a lazy day and I'm getting myself back in to the swing of things and felt like posting something quite easy, also i needed a reason to blog and personally i find posts without any pictures at all a bit boring.

I've been dressing really casually lately, pretty much living in converses and high tops which is weird for me coz I normally like dressing up a little bit. This T-shirt is sooo old, my mum gave it to me when she was having a clear out and I was initially going to use it as a pyjama top, but I've been obsessed with this whole Tie dying trend recently and since i haven't managed to actually make any T-shirts myself yet it was the only thing I could find that reminded me a tiny bit of the trend... I'm aware its animal print so you might think I'm an idiot haha! Also i wanted to show off my new reebok classics, I used to wear similar badboys when i was in primary school- I wanted blazers but after seeing them on the feet of every single person I know, I thought I'd be old school and get these.. plus they were half the prize of blazers! Uncool to many, but i love them!

Love Jasmine 

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