Saturday, 18 August 2012

Cornwall- Day No.1 and Vlogging

 Lush little village street
 Just purchased, cutest bracelet ever!
 You dont need to see a glass of diet coke, but I'm showing off the fact i went for the non alcohol option.. watching the calories!

 being an orange poser

 It's kinda sad these are going to be eaten...

 My parents being cringe but cute

First photography heavy blog wahey! 
Just arrived in Cornwall this morning, we haven't been on a British holiday in years, and i actually really love them... who needs Spain?!
I've just filmed my first day, follow me around Vlog.. I wont be doing a separate Vlog for every single day I'm here (14 days) because that would be boring, but i will do a couple more as well as some makeup/fashion videos!

Again, don't forget to follow me on twitter and instagram- @JasmineLWillis

Love Jasmine 


  1. Gorgeous photos, looks lovely! x

  2. Really want to visit Cornwall especially now,looks so pretty! I really want one of those bracelets too so cute! I really like British holidays too.Hope the rest of your trip is great,can't wait to watch more vlogs :)

    Ashlie x
    (instagram ashliejade24)

  3. Youre so pretty! and Cornwall looks so cute

