Monday, 20 August 2012

Fashion for the Unfashionable- OOTD

I dont have a tripod yet, so photographing my first OOTD proved difficult, bare with :)

I'm calling it 'fashion for the unfashionable' because lets face it... I aint no stylist, or unreal fashionista. I wanna start some lookbooks and "essential pieces" videos on youtube, for people like me... I enjoy fashion as much as the next person, but i would not say i could put an outfit together as well as the likes of Beauty Crush etc. also I could never be as daring. I live on quite a tight budget also so its hard to keep up sometimes.. by the time you've finally saved up for those disco pants, everyone else has already moved on!

Denim shirt- Primark men's
Vest & Tights- Primark
Shorts- Urban Outfitters
Rings (l-r)- 1,2,4 all topshop, 3 handmade, 5 accessorize
Watch- vintage market
Bracelet- unknown boutique
Nail varnish- Rimmel lasting finish 280 sunshine 
Converse All stars- Schuh


  1. Love this post and outfit,you look lovely.def in the same boat about not being able to afford or style up as well as some people so look forward to your look books :)

    Ashlie x
