Monday, 4 April 2011

I need...

Oh  my, i do love blogging! Why didn't i do this before?!
I've put together a few things I am obsessing over and very much want in my life, but at this moment in time my bank balance is... well I cant even afford one of the items!
  • Polka dot dress- Topshop
I first saw this in the shop and it caught my eye, but after seeing Molly from The Saturdays wearing it in a magazine I fell in love! Im obsessed with this colour atm and its very in for Spring time. I just love how cute it is! I hope I manage to save up enough money before it'sout of stock :(.
  • String Trilby- Topshop
Ok so they have been in for ages, and I have always loved them... but I live in Newcastle, and i dont wanna disrespect the geordies because I love them! But I wouldnt say it's the most fashion forward city in the world. Also when I told my friends I wanted a trilby they said they look stupid... but I've decided I love this hat too much and it would be lush for summer!  
  • Black Mary Jane's- Toshop
So i will never ever have the confidence to walk in heels this tall due to my height issues but it doesn't mean I cant dream! I just love these, so classic and would go with so much... damn my lack of confidence and inability to shrink!
  • Cross Earings- Fashionology
These have been flying around youtube for a long time thanks to the amazing Sammi from Beauty Crush and i have always admired them but now, I NEED them!!
  • Lower arm cuff- Fashionology
I love how simple this is! Yet I think very beautiful. Cant wait to be paid!!!!

Love Jasmine


  1. i have a trilby and wore it for evo fest last year, i got mine from primark and i loved it, i say go for it :) X

  2. I wish i had more confidence to walk in super high heels every day, Those shoes are to die for! I have a trilby like that too but its from M&S's mens section as my head is ma-hoosive haha and won't fit in most hats!

  3. I think you are beautiful as you are and, if I had your legs, I'd have them out at every opportunity. Stand tall, your blog is brilliant, as is your YouTube channel, and if anyone made you feel self-conscious about your height, they are idiots. I'm 5"6 and a size 16 (maybe sometimes 18 if I ate too many choccy biccies) but I am what I am, even though sometimes I loathe what I see in the mirror. Whatever shape or size you are, there is always someone out there who would love to have what you have. Keep up the blogging! :) xxx

  4. all so cute:) your really gorgeous, just arrived here from your youtube:) im having a mac lipstick giveaway and would love for you to enter :) xx
