Monday, 27 August 2012

Review and Diet Chat- 6 Weeks to OMG

Basic Rules:
  • Do not eat breakfast- the theory is, we've burnt off all our calories from the day before during the night, therefore by running on empty for 3 hours in the morning we will be burning fat not food
  • Cold baths every morning- "room temperature", between 15-20 Degrees Celsius. Every morning for up to 15 minutes to "get an increased metabolism for 12- 15 hours"
  • Black Coffee- apparently we need to drink this every morning along with the cold bath and no breakfast and "it tells your body to burn fat much faster" (if you don't like coffee take caffeine pills)
  • Movement- "Move over exercise"apparently people who fidget more are generally skinnier, you have 3 POMs in a day (periods of movement) so in other words exercise right?!
  • No snacking- stick to 3 meals a day and keep them well spaced out
  • Meals- very low in carbs, fruit etc. but very high in protein and oily fish (sounds like the atkins diet?)
There is loads of chapters, but I wont lie.. I cant be bothered to list the rest of the rules because I feel them pointless.

So, I'm the type of girl who is OBSESSED with dieting and weight loss, like most girls nowadays! I have a very destructive relationship with food and it is constantly on my mind along with weight loss, I will do almost anything so am a sucker for 'quick fixes', 'tips and tricks' and anything that promises to melt away the fat. The problem is, I am not alone... this is such a common issue with so many men and women that it is easy to prey on us with new and "proved" ways of shifting the pounds. 

I have successfully lost substantial weight in the past, both in healthy and not so healthy ways as I will admit I suffered from very disordered eating in the past. But now I Generally I know what works for my body and with 2 doctors as parents I have been well educated in the art of weight loss. 

This book does talk sense in many areas, but if I'm honest it was absolutely nothing I didn't already know. The author has just tried to make it sound more interesting by adding "cold baths" and "black coffee" as tips and tricks, but I've seen these tips on many ProAna websites that I visited frequently back in the day. They are very unpleasant things to put your body through along with cutting out breakfast, and I now firmly believe that no diet should be torture, if you feel tortured you can NOT keep it up. Admittedly the title states "6 weeks" which obviously implies you must stop these rituals after a certain amount of time... but what about if you're significantly overweight? 6 weeks is too short a period to "get skinnier then all your friends". Maybe you do just need a quick fix and want to lose the weight fast but you need to remember that it is next to impossible to keep that weight off if you just go straight back to your old lifestyle... and that's what we all do! If you put the weight on in the first place then you do need to reevaluate your lifestyle and that can not be done in 6 weeks by having cold baths and suffering! Obviously the book is trying to help you back in to a normal way of eating AFTER the 6 week period to help you change your lifestyle, but i just don't think you need to purchase this to help you.

I'm no scientist, but the basics of losing weight is BURN MORE THEN YOU CONSUME. End of, thats all we needed to know. So if anything this book has made me realise I need to stop being so stupid, I need to stop looking for quick fixes, stop buying "diet pills" and books that will not help me. The painful reality of being slim is... we have to say no sometimes! I can not stand over weight people who say "I hardly eat anything" (this does not apply if you have a serious health issue that is out of your control) thats a lie, you are lying to yourself... you are not hurting anyone by secretly eating that piece of cake but yourself! I have been in denial myself over food, secret eating and comfort eating... but at the end of the day, when I wasn't happy with the way I looked it was my fault and my problem no one elses!

A book, a TV programme, your doctor, family, friends... none of them can force you to lose weight. They can educate you what ways are healthy but it is you that needs to do it, for yourself.

VERDICT- dont waste your money on this book, it has not helped me lose weight. Since reading it i have lost weight.. but none of this was down to cold baths or black coffee- it was down to my own will power and moving a bit more then i consumed. Simples.

Love Jasmine

Saturday, 25 August 2012

FOTD- Smokey Browns

Brows- Cargo essential palette, shade D
Mac paint pot- painterly
1st Naked Palette- naked, smog, darkhorse, virgin
Maybeline lasting drama gel liner
Benefit mascara, They're Real (RECOMMENDED)

Mac Studio Fix fluid/powder
Sleek Contour Kit- light
Estee Lauder- 420 Nectar
Mac mineralize skinfinish- gold deposit

YSL- Rouge Volupte 13

I've been massively stuck in a rut with my makeup at the moment, every day I reach for one of my naked palettes which I know is no bad thing considering they cost a fortune.. the colours just really compliment my blue eyes but i will be back with some more inspiring looks!

Love Jasmine

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

OOTD- Disco Pants, Tie Dye & Studs

 Face- Mac Studio Fix fluid & powder- NC20
Naked Palette
Benefit Mascara, They're Real!
Sleek Contour kit- light
Eyebrows- Cargo Essential Palette
MAC mineralize skinfinish- soft & gentle

top- New Look
Disco Pants- American Apparel 
black vest- Primark
shoes- Topshop

The main reason I wanted to post this outfit, was because I wanted to put it out there that the American Apparel disco pants DO fit taller girls! I was desperate to buy them for so long but always put it off due to my usual problem of not being able to find trousers long enough, all my height is in my legs... some ways thats good, but when it comes to buying trousers etc. it is horrific. The disco pants fit perfectly, and without blowing my own trumpet I'd even say they fit taller girls better due to the fact they dont bunch up around the knees. 

Love Jasmine

Monday, 20 August 2012

Fashion for the Unfashionable- OOTD

I dont have a tripod yet, so photographing my first OOTD proved difficult, bare with :)

I'm calling it 'fashion for the unfashionable' because lets face it... I aint no stylist, or unreal fashionista. I wanna start some lookbooks and "essential pieces" videos on youtube, for people like me... I enjoy fashion as much as the next person, but i would not say i could put an outfit together as well as the likes of Beauty Crush etc. also I could never be as daring. I live on quite a tight budget also so its hard to keep up sometimes.. by the time you've finally saved up for those disco pants, everyone else has already moved on!

Denim shirt- Primark men's
Vest & Tights- Primark
Shorts- Urban Outfitters
Rings (l-r)- 1,2,4 all topshop, 3 handmade, 5 accessorize
Watch- vintage market
Bracelet- unknown boutique
Nail varnish- Rimmel lasting finish 280 sunshine 
Converse All stars- Schuh

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Cornwall- Day No.2

Dont worry guys, i wont be posting scenic photographs from every single day of my holiday, we're here for beauty/fashion etc. not landscapes and country side haha, I'm just getting a bit picture happy as I love my new camera!

 new vintage watch i got today, only £3

i felt it necessary to put a stupid picture of myself in again :)

Had another beautiful day, lush weather, lush views.. you forget how beautiful the UK can be when you live in a city. 

Love Jasmine

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Cornwall- Day No.1 and Vlogging

 Lush little village street
 Just purchased, cutest bracelet ever!
 You dont need to see a glass of diet coke, but I'm showing off the fact i went for the non alcohol option.. watching the calories!

 being an orange poser

 It's kinda sad these are going to be eaten...

 My parents being cringe but cute

First photography heavy blog wahey! 
Just arrived in Cornwall this morning, we haven't been on a British holiday in years, and i actually really love them... who needs Spain?!
I've just filmed my first day, follow me around Vlog.. I wont be doing a separate Vlog for every single day I'm here (14 days) because that would be boring, but i will do a couple more as well as some makeup/fashion videos!

Again, don't forget to follow me on twitter and instagram- @JasmineLWillis

Love Jasmine 

Thursday, 16 August 2012

My Week In Pictures No. 1

1. Fresh fish skewers
2. Peach Belinis- ended up getting very drunk!
3. Set up for a family BBQ
4. My beautiful little kitten- Monty
5. I thought it was cool to put my bracelet on him... dont report me to the RSPCA he loved it ;)
6. Starting the review of my weightloss book with a cup of tea
7. Greek Mezze
8. Most unreal chicken burger EVER!
9. My Reebok Classics, i belong in the 90s

Only just started using Instagram so bear with me till the photos start getting better! Also, make sure you follow me on there and on twitter- JasmineLWillis for both!
Hope you've had a lush week

Love Jasmine

Casual Outfit, Casual Blogging

Top- Asos
Leggings- Primark
Jacket- Topshop
Rings (l-r)- H&M, handmade, Topshop

Ive just called this causal blogging because I've taken the cheats way out and used an instagram photo! I will start doing real photography with the next outfit post, it was just a lazy day and I'm getting myself back in to the swing of things and felt like posting something quite easy, also i needed a reason to blog and personally i find posts without any pictures at all a bit boring.

I've been dressing really casually lately, pretty much living in converses and high tops which is weird for me coz I normally like dressing up a little bit. This T-shirt is sooo old, my mum gave it to me when she was having a clear out and I was initially going to use it as a pyjama top, but I've been obsessed with this whole Tie dying trend recently and since i haven't managed to actually make any T-shirts myself yet it was the only thing I could find that reminded me a tiny bit of the trend... I'm aware its animal print so you might think I'm an idiot haha! Also i wanted to show off my new reebok classics, I used to wear similar badboys when i was in primary school- I wanted blazers but after seeing them on the feet of every single person I know, I thought I'd be old school and get these.. plus they were half the prize of blazers! Uncool to many, but i love them!

Love Jasmine 