Thursday, 31 March 2011

First haul ;)

eeek! first proper post :)... thought i'd start off with something simple like a haul, especially since I went shopping yesterday :| (i should have been in college, tut tut)

Unfortunatley I seem to be permanently poor at the moment... so H&M, Primarni and Superdrug were about as exciting as it got for me. I also got my mama a mother's day present, but I wont post that on here incase she ends up seeing it...


  • Acid/Stone wash Jeggings - H&M - £14.99
  • Leopard Tshirt- H&M - £9.99
  • Floaty black and white feather top - Primark - £8.00
  • Long White Shirt (needs an iron!) - Primark - £12.00
  • Brown Belt - Primark - £2.00
  • Leopard Print Nail Foils (AMAZING!!!- im wearing them now) - £3.00
  • Gosh Nail varnish in Miss Sweety - Superdrug - £4.95
  • Andrea Fulerton Nail Boutique trio Nail varnish in "Princess" - Superdrug - £8.19
  • Andrea Fulerton Nail Boutique trio Nail varnish in "Rain Fall" - Superdrug - £8.19
Lovinggg my purchases so far! If you shop in Primark then you must 100% try out the nail foils, and at £3.00 what do you have to lose? they are easy to apply personally I think my nails look beautiful... pictures maybe??
One thing i would say is, the sizes for each nail are on the small side... i personally have quite small nails so it's ok, but my mum has a large thumb nail and none of them would fit her, just something to bare in mind.

I'm gonna wear the jeggings with the leopard Tshirt and a blazer tomorrow, with a pair of brown brogues :).

Hope you enjoyed my first post! I definitley enjoyed making it.

Love Jasmine


  1. great to see you blogging sweety, love the jeggings and the nail foils :p

  2. Reallyy like the white top, and the nail polish colors look amazing.
    So jealous of Primark
